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Sunday May 12, 2019
Ep 25 Family Stories in My Mom's Own Words
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
On Mother's Day I wanted to take a minute to share a few words my mom wrote about her own mom and a funny story about her grandma.
I hope Mother's Day wasn't too difficult for everyone out there. My love and heart goes out to everyone who is missing their moms today and every day.
Thank you for listening to my show! Please check below for all of the links to my social media and come interact with me.

Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Ep 24 Pearls From Toye's Mom, Sandy Releford
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Toye Releford-Penny is the definition of a self-made success story. Unfortunately, losing her mom at a very young age played a big role in teaching her to be self-sufficient but she has absolutely taken those lemons and made them into lemonade.
Check out Toye's hollistic health and lifestlye coaching business: SO 7 Health w/Toye
Thank you for listening to my show! Please check below for all of the links to my social media and come interact with me.
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Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Ep 23 Pearls From My Dad, a trip down memory lane with Michael Kahat
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
Saturday Aug 25, 2018
If you like listening in on a father/daughter chat about life, boy do I have the episode for you.
I wanted to make sure to give my Dad some time in the spotlight because I sure am glad that I still have him around. Find out what life was like for me having the coolest radio DJ dad on earth and what life was like for him, growing up in a tiny town in Western Pennsylvania. He even gave me some pointers about recording best practices and how to get that smooth radio voice.
Thank you for listening to my show! Please check below for all of the links to my social media and come interact with me :)
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Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Ep 22 Happy Birthday to My Mom and Happy 1 Year Podaversary to Pearls From My Mom
Saturday Aug 18, 2018
Saturday Aug 18, 2018
A few special words from people that loved my mom on what would have been her 69th birthday.
A very special thank you to all of you who listen, I launched this podcast a year ago not knowing if anyone would want to tell their stories or listen to mine. I would love to interact with you so please click on the links below to check out more.
Come join me on social media or email me at

Friday May 18, 2018
Ep 21 Pearls From Dr. Cheli - We Talk Therapy, Grief and Jewelry
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Dr. Araceli López-Arenas (Dr. Cheli) joins me today to talk a little bit about how the process of going to therapy works, also when and why people should try (or re-try) seeing a metal health professional. The conversation around mental health has opened up significantly in the last couple of years but there are still obstacles to overcome to avoid the stigma surrounding people seeking help with mental health issues. We also chat about grief and the grieving process.
Dr. Cheli is also a jewelry designer who makes beautiful wearable art for her own company called Sui Generis Jewelry. She is working on tying both aspects of her professional life together and her tagline for her jewelry company is; jewelry with a mission. She started selling her jewelry as a means to help pay for tuition for her PhD in Counseling Psychology. Now the proceeds of her jewelry sales support, a scholarship for first-generation PhDs in mental health addressing the mental health disparities of their communities.
Some links that Dr. Cheli provided for us to check out:
Dr. Araceli López-Arenas on LinkedIn
Find a therapist with Psychology Today
Therapy catered to men with Mantherapy
Thank you for listening!
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Friday May 11, 2018
Ep 20 Pearls From Our Moms - A very special Mother's Day episode
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
I realize that Mother's Day can be tough on those of us who have lost our moms. This week's episode is my gift to you. I have put together a super brief history of Mother's Day in the US, for a more comprehensive story you can check out this article from National Geographic.
I also give you ideas from a blog post I wrote on my first Mother's Day without my mom: 10 Things to do for Mother's Day if Your Mom is Gone. As promised in the episode, here is the link to find more environmentally friendly options to a balloon or lantern release.
The heart of this episode are the clips from the 15 people who have joined me on the podcast and shared their mom's story and their favorite pearls of wisdom from her. Putting this episode together has filled me with a great deal of gratitude. I am thankful for everyone who has shared some of the most intimate details of a very tough time in their lives with me.
Thank you for listening and I hope you have a beautiful Mother's Day. You know my favorite way to celebrate the holiday is sharing to keep the legacy alive...
Support Pearls From My Mom the Podcast by becoming a donor on our Patreon Page
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Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Many people are uncomfortable with talking about death, Cassandra Yonder is not one of them. You may or may not have heard that community death caring (sometimes refered to as death midwifery, death doulas, thana doulas, etc.) is making a comeback into our culture. I think my mom would have loved this had she known it was even an option. In this week's episode, Cassandra and I talk about what it means to take care of the dead as a community and how she is passing that knowledge on to other people.
Cassandra is the co-owner of BEyond Yonder Virtual School of Community Deathcaring. Cassandra is a prominent contributor to the alternative deathcare movement in Canada, which spans the humanities, social sciences, science, and medicine. Her expertise and leadership in deathcare practice in Canada have been recognized nationally, and she frequently appears in the national and international media. For example, she has been interviewed and referenced in Maclean’s, The Guardian, The National Post, CBC, The Coast, Media Co-op, The Chronicle-Herald, The Stranger, and The Huffington Post.
Cassandra has an academic background in Sociology, Gerontology, Architecture and Grief & Bereavement. Her family of 6 are homesteading in the forested highlands of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia with over 70 animals, where the realities of birth and death are ever present. Cassandra is a leader in the movement to reclaim family and community centred care of the dying, dead and bereaved.
In addition to assisting with the home funeral and home burial of her friend and neighbour, Cassandra is a member of the Order of the Good Death, has represented Canada on the board of directors for the National Home Funeral Alliance, is currently the chair of Community Deathcare Canada, and has started the BEyond Yonder Virtual School for Community Deathcaring in Canada with her partner. She also hosts the world's largest online community for alternative deathcare on her facebook group with more than 4000 members. Cassandra's spoken and written words help us to articulate the need for a cultural re-connection with death.
You can find her at her website:

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Ep 18 Pearls From Muse - How Winning a Radio Contest Changed My Life
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
When most people think of defining moments in life, they probably don't think winning a contest on a radio station to meet a band would be one of them. I am not most people.
I have had a deep love for the band Muse since 2005 and it continues to this day. I also have a deep sense of inadequacy which has stopped me from pursuing my passions and going after what I want. All of this changed July of 2017 when winning a radio contest helped me realize what I am capable of.
I promise all of this ties in with my mom and this podcast, but to find out how you will have to listen...
Here are a couple of Muse songs to dazzle your senses:
Dig Down (The video I watched to win the contest)
Butterflies and Hurricanes (Muse's greatest song, imho)
Time Is Running Out -Live from Wembley Stadium (the first Muse song I fell in love with)
Link to the Instagram post where Matt is holding my winning story
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Friday Feb 16, 2018
Ep 17 Pearls From Lisa's Mom, Naomi (Patti) LaCroix
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Friday Feb 16, 2018
Lisa's mom Naomi was as strong as they come. She was a business woman, a mother and a survivor of a Japanese internment camp in Canada during and after World War II. Naomi was a great role model for Lisa, who is a phenomenal woman in her own right.
Listen to Lisa recount stories of her mom and talk about what has been helping her through the grieving process. We also open up a more broad conversation about death and coping.
Lisa is the host of Super Power U. She interviews experts and everyday Rockstars to reveal the strengths, skills and mental models to activate your Inner Superhero at

Friday Feb 02, 2018
Ep 16 Pearls From Julie's Mom, Diane Ostrow
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Friday Feb 02, 2018
Julie is a dynamite lady who happens to have one of the greatest laughs I have ever heard. She lost her mom Diane 25 years ago, but has managed to hold on to some beautiful memories of her. Listen as Julie tells us about her mom and reflects on love, grief, compassion and you'll for sure want to hear what Julie thinks her mom's ghost outfit looks like.
To learn more about Julie or contact her (believe me, she is the kind of person you will want more of in your life):
Please check out Julie's beautiful remembrance post about her mom: